Groomsmen Watches | Set of 8 Wooden Watches...

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Groomsmen Watches | Set of 8 Wooden Watches

Let us guess, you're looking for ideas for groomsmen gifts? Maybe even ideas for gifts for the wedding party such as the Farther of Groom or even Ushers? Well, it’s your lucky day! In this set of 8 groomsmen watch set, you’ll receive eight unique wooden watches along with the option to personalize each watch with its own unique text.

Does the wedding party have different wrist sizes? Dang. Wish we could help, oh wait- We can! All our Grain+Oak wooden watches can be easily resized to ensure that everyone is fitted properly on your big day! For more information check out how to resize your Grain+Oak wood watch and feel free to send us a message if you have any additional questions.
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